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La Société Royale d’Économie Politique de Belgique a l'honneur de vous inviter à la conférence-débat sur le thème :

De Koninklijke Vereniging voor Politieke Economie van België, heeft de eer u uit te nodigen op het conferentie-debat over het thema:

The consequences for Belgium of Donald Trump's second term in office / Les conséquences pour la Belgique du deuxième mandat de Donald Trump / De gevolgen voor België van de tweede ambtstermijn van Donald Trump /

Intervenant(s) :
Patrick Herman Ambassadeur, Directeur du service géographique responsable des Amériques et des Caraïbes au ministère des Affaires étrangères

Pascaline della Faille Country and Sector Risk Manager à Credendo

Sven Biscop Professor at Ghent University and director of the Europe in the World Programme at the Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations

Donald J. Trump’s second term in office will officially start on January 20th. In an eventful and vocal campaign, he announced policies that could in many ways be more radical than those of his first term. He has championed tariff duties, questioned multilateralism, and advocated a withdrawal from the Paris agreement on climate change. His relationship with China and Russia will be scrutinized, especially as he may reconsider the support of the United States to Ukraine and their commitment.
Whereas some hope that the policies that he will implement will be more moderate than his programme, the people he has appointed to influential positions suggest the opposite.
His new term in office may therefore have wide consequences globally and in Europe. The Belgian authorities and Belgian firms could have to substantially adapt to the new context but are facing uncertainty.

- In which respect will the economic and trade policy of the US change?
- What are the main policy changes to expect?
- To what extent will the US alter its strategic partnership with the EU and NATO and how will it affect Belgium?
- What should Belgian firms and organizations expect in the US, at home, and globally?
- What can they do to weather the new US context?

Presentations should be about 15 to 20 minutes each and will be followed by a debate between the speakers (comments on other speaker’s presentation and main takeaways) and a round of Q&A from the participants.
Speakers will be free to choose to speak Dutch, French, or English.

It's that time of year again: if you haven't already, make sure you renew your membership for 2025.

Date et lieu :
Mercredi 22 janvier de 18h30 à 20h00 - Fondation Universitaire
11 Rue d'Egmont ,1000 Brussels.
Salle A

The event is complimentary for members of the Société royale d'économie politique and is still covered by the 2024 membership.
A participation fee of 25 euros is applicable for non-members, and 5 euros for students and participants below the age of 25.

This amount can be paid into our account IBAN BE31 2600 2712 9555 - BIC GEBABEBB with the communication “Debate 22-01-2025”.

Afin de soutenir la Société Royale d’Économie Politique de Belgique nous vous invitons à devenir membre : http://www.economiepolitique.be/devenirmembre.php. Vous serez dès lors tenus informés de toutes ses activités.

Wilt u de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Politieke Economie van België steunen? Word lid en blijf op de hoogte van al haar activiteiten: http://www.economiepolitique.be/devenirmembre.php.

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