SREPB > Mémoires et thèses


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Année Auteur Promoteur Titre Université Département Lien
2009 Lejeune Christophe Vas Alain Organizational Change in Higher Education : an Identity-Based View UCL CRECIS Plus d'info
2009 Leheut Emerence Derbaix Christian Les adolescents et les marques : Étude de leurs réactions à la stratégie de co-marquage FUCaM CCMS Plus d'info
2009 Gheeraert Laurent Chapelle Ariane, Traça Daniel Financial systems: essays on the cultural determinants and the relevance for economic development ULB CEB Plus d'info
2009 Fouillet Cyril Hudon Marek, Servet Jean-Michel La construction spatiale de la microfinance en Inde ULB CEB Plus d'info
2009 Maréchal Kevin Azzi Assaad Elia, Hecq Walter The economics of climate change and the change of climate in economics:the implications for climate policy of adopting an evolutionary perspective ULB CEB Plus d'info
2009 Mourre Gilles Sekkat Khalid, Strobl Eric Five essays on performance and structural rigidities in European labour markets ULB CEB Plus d'info
2009 Sanin Vazquez Bréchet Thierry, Cantillon Estelle Market design in Tradable Emission Permits Markets UCL Plus d'info
2009 Valdesogo Robles Alfonso Bauwens Luc, Heinen Andréas Multivariate Volatility Models using Copulas UCL
2009 Galli Fausto Bauwens Luc Essays in the econometrics of dynamic duration models with application to tick by tick financial data UCL Plus d'info
2009 Mendolicchio Concetta Vincent Vandenberghe, Boucekkine Raouf Essays on Investments in Education UCL
2009 Marchiori Luca de la Croix David, Docquier Frédéric On the World Economy and International Migration UCL Plus d'info
2009 Bouton Laurent Castanheira M., Conconi P. Essays in Dgame Theory Applied to Political and Market Institutions ULB ECARES Plus d'info
2009 David Quentin Dewatrippont M., Wasmer E. Five Essays on Human and Social Capital ULB ECARES Plus d'info
2009 Herbaux Denis Dewatripont M., Kirchsteiger G. Three essays on Social Capital, Social Norms and Social Identity ULB ECARES Plus d'info
2009 Petkovic Alexandre Veredas D., Deelstra G. Three Essays on Exotic Option Pricing, Multivariate Levy Processes and Linear Aggregation of Panel Models ULB ECARES Plus d'info
2009 Silvestrini Andrea S Essays on Aggregation and Cointegration of Econometric Models ULB ECARES Plus d'info
2009 Taniai hiroyuki Hallin M. Inference of the Quantiles of ARCH Processes ULB ECARES
2009 Lodigiani Elisabetta Docquier Frédéric Skilled migration and Diaspora externalities UCL
2009 Picchio Matteo Cockx Bart Good news in bad jobs UCL Plus d'info
2009 Dottori Davide David de la Croix Essays on Population Dynamics and Social Outcomes UCL Plus d'info

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